Making students into life-long disciples of Jesus is a key pillar of FCA’s vision. We have an intentional, comprehensive approach to discipleship inside and outside the classroom. We introduce our students to a real relationship with Jesus Christ, not just a religion or a set of rules. In our Bible classes, the goal is “inquiry over indoctrination.” We want students to think and wrestle with the hard questions of scripture, yet always at the end of the day feel drawn in by the love and core message of the gospel. FCA is not affiliated with any one denomination, church, or group, but is rather a diverse, interdenominational school. This means students will feel free to express themselves and encounter faith in a variety of ways, and will be encouraged to go home to their own pastors and parents to continue to work out the details of their own reading of scripture’s more confusing elements. We also only hire faculty who can bring Christ and His Worldview into every subject they teach. His fingerprints are on Science, Math, Literature, the Arts, and more! Outside the classroom, our faculty and upperclassmen leaders strive to disciple and mentor the hearts of students daily. We believe that real discipleship happens in relationships not just programs. It is the transfer of a way of life.
Every Wednesday morning we meet for chapel. Some weeks, this is a worship service with the whole school. We have a student worship band and a variety of speakers from around our city or our school community. We sometimes have special spiritual experiences such as focused prayer days, special holiday services, concerts, etc. as part of our chapel program. On other weeks, we meet in D-Groups. These small groups are age and gender-based, and led by faculty. D-groups are a place to talk about real life, pray for one another, read the Bible together, and make our faith our own. A small group, discussion-based setting is often a much more effective mode for discipling students to love and follow Jesus than any large group assembly.
Middle School Mentors
Every middle school student at FCA is paired with a high school mentor. These mentors are the members of our Servant Leaders’ Council, who have applied, interviewed, and been elected to this role. Mentors and mentees meet a minimum of twice a month to check in on how that student is doing academically, socially, and spiritually. The mentors offer advice, support, friendship, and prayer for their mentees. Mentees know that their mentor always “has their back.”
Service Learning & Missions
“It’s not all about you” is a common mantra at FCA. We want our students to recognize the value of selflessness; to look beyond their own experiences and comfort zones, and to recognize the needs of a broken and hurting world around them. We want to raise up servant leaders and world-changers. Students meet a required number of service hours in order to graduate, and we dedicate a day every year to all-school service opportunities within our direct community. Service organizations like National Honor Society and Servant Leaders’ Council provide high school students further opportunities to learn the value of community service. We highly encourage FCA students to step outside of the “Williamson County bubble” and participate in short-term missions overseas. The trips enhance their learning as a global citizen. They also deepen a Christ-like worldview as students encounter other cultures Jesus loves, and perhaps people who desperately need His compassion and restoration.
FCA has special partnerships with mission work in a variety of places around the globe including:
Jireh School and Orphanage in Masaka, Uganda
Servant Group International’s refugee work in Athens, Greece
Schools, orphanages, churches, and organizations in Haiti, Honduras, Peru, Vancouver, Suriname, Chile, and more.