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Continuous Enrollment


What is Continuous Enrollment?
Once your student is enrolled at FCA, we assume they will continue with us until they graduate from high school.  This allows for a simple, re-enrollment process.  Your student is automatically re-enrolled unless we hear differently from you.


Continuous Enrollment Dates:

December 1: Financial Aid applications may be submitted through FACTS

January 15: Any changes in enrollment plans must be submitted to FCA’s Administration. 

January 16: Re-enrollment fee will be billed to your FACTS account

May 1: Tuition penalty will be assessed for any withdraws on or after this date


What’s the penalty if I break the continuous enrollment contract?

FCA families that are re-enrolled but break the contract by withdrawing after May 1, will be contractually obligated to pay 10% of the following year’s tuition. Any withdraw after August 1 will require the entire semester’s payment.

Financial Aid

We know that the commitment to a private, Christian school requires a significant investment financially both in your child’s education and future.  Because of that commitment, we offer need based financial aid.


Families are encouraged to apply for financial aid using our outside objective service called FACTS: Grant and Aid Assessment.  FACTS is an independent, 3rd party company that conducts a financial analysis to determine your family’s financial need. 


You may apply for financial aid here

*Current enrolled families may begin applying for financial aid on December 1st.

*Current families will receive awards beginning January 15th

*Applications for new families will be considered after March 1st

Note: Financial aid is only available to those families in good standing with the school.  All information is highly confidential. You are also required to keep your financial aid information confidential.


Please direct any questions regarding your application to FACTS at 1-866-441-4637.

Franklin Christian Academy / Mailing Address: PO Box 682712 Franklin, TN 37068
Physical Address: 818 Old Charlotte Pike East, Franklin, TN 37064

Telephone: 615-599-9229 / Fax: 615-599-9441

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